2021 World Class University (WCU) UPI Roadshow: UPI Towards World Class University

DIA UPI has just hosted 2021 World Class University (WCU) UPI Roadshow which spanned six days from 31 March to 9 April 2021. This roadshow aimed to introduce The Higher Education Improvement Program towards World Class University (WCU) in 2021 is a follow-up to the institutional development program of the Institutional Directorate, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as targets from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) as stated in its 2021-2025 Strategic Plan (RENSTRA).

This program was conducted by WCU Task Force DIA UPI 2021 led by Mr. Haipan Salam, M.Si., Ph.D. as The Head of Division of University Rankings and International Partnership, Directorate of International Affairs. The roadshow started with the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education and UPI Cibiru Regional Campus. The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Education and UPI Serang Regional Campus were next for the second day. The next day were the Faculty of Economic and Business Education and UPI Tasikmalaya Regional Campus. It was followed by the Faculty of Sport and Health Education and UPI Sumedang Regional Campus on the fourth day. On the fifth day, the participants were the Faculty of Social Science Education and UPI Purwakarta Regional Campus. Next, the participants of the sixth day were the Faculty of Science Education and the Faculty of Art and Design Education . Finally, the Faculty of Language and Literature Education and the School of Postgraduate Studies attended on the last day of the roadshow.

The General Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture has given UPI a mandate to be in the top 1000 rankings based on the QS-WUR ranking by 2024. As part of this long-term plan, UPI sets its target in 2021 based on four activities: Academic reputation, Internationalization, Employer reputation, and University branding. Academic reputation is carried out through improving the quality of education, international publications and citations, as well as the reputation of UPI researchers at the international and national level. Internationalization is achieved through the development of a global engagements among UPI academics. The employer reputation is achieved by enhancing the reputation of UPI graduates from the perspective of employers at a national and international level. Finally, UPI aims to improve its image at the international level through various rebranding activities and the University’s exposure on social media and websites.These activities should be reflected in the 2021 WCU UPI which covers six schemes, namely International Publication Collaboration, Call for Papers, Indonesian Research Collaboration, Alumni Executive Gathering, Summer Program, and Visiting Scholars. All the schemes and how to apply for them can be seen at https://dia.upi.edu/wcu/. The 2021 WCU UPI schemes offer opportunities for UPI faculty members both to develop themselves globally and to participate actively in UPI’s efforts to improve its world ranking.

The target may look daunting, but it is only with strong commitment from all the university’s stakeholders can UPI achieve it. This roadshow is a step away to get closer to be the leading and outstanding campus as well as to be engaged in more global partnerships.

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