Coordination Preparation of the KNB scholarship program accountability report

Jakarta- 22/11/21, based on an invitation letter from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology No. 5560/E3/PM.00.03/2021 dated November 17, 2021. The university, in this case the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, was invited to attend coordination activities in the management of developing country partnership scholarships (KNB). Mr. Fachru Rida, S.S. and Dian Herdiana, S.H. is two staffs of the Directorate of International Affairs who were delegated as representatives from the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia to attend the activity.

The activities were held to discuss 1) Preparation of the accountability report on the KNB scholarship program 2) Update data on ongoing active students and new KNB students 3) Preparation for monitoring and evaluation 4) Preparation for the arrival of new students in early 2022.

Participants in this activity amounted to 45 representatives from universities managing scholarships. The rests were the KNB secretariat team from the institutional directorate, Kemenristekdikti.

At 13.00 WIB, the activities began to be held. The opening was led by Mr. Endang Taryono as the Coordinator for Institutional Strengthening of Higher Education. UPI reports data on KNB recipients as follows: from the 2017 to 2021 class, 18 students are still active, eight foreign students graduated, and one person has resigned.

Regarding the 2021 KNB scholarship report that has been determined by the KNB secretariat of the institutional directorate, Kemenristekdikti, it must be submitted no later than mid-January 2022. The points in it must include the following: Must report data on KNB students must be reported from the first batch to the end – Must report on ongoing KNB student data – Must report data on students who resigned / did not graduate / did not come and have been determined by decree as recipients of KNB – Student academic and non-academic achievements, publications, pre-lecture activities in 2021 – Obstacles experienced in 2021 – Recapitulation of financial statements per contract – Recapitulation of expense reports per contract – Photocopy/scan of proof of expenditure.

During the activity, UPI received 4 KNB contracts that were signed by both parties, namely: 1. Ongoing Student KNB Scholarship Education Contract 2. Ongoing Student KNB Scholarship Management Contract 3. New Student KNB Scholarship Management Contract 4. New KNB Scholarship Management Contract New students

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