Back in twenty years ago while national educational improvement in Indonesia was assisted by JICA through series of projects including a building inaugurated by President Megawati Soekarno Putri and Ambassador of Japan Mr . Hideaki Domichi; Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education (FPMIPA) commemorates this reflecting on experience of JICA cooperation in education, to share best practice in Indonesia and beyond, and to explore the driven status of lesson study development and partnership.
The committee chairman, Sumar Hendayana, said the FPMIPA has been set up three activities since February 2022: (1) Faculty members training for enhancing science and mathematics learning through lesson study for learning community at FPMIPA UPI, (2) development of Memoir Essay book , there are 42 out of 52 articles lesson learned of learning improvement with authors (nationwide, from Aceh to Papua), (3) JICA Reflective meeting (26 August 2022), along with launching of the Asia-Africa Learning Improvement Network (AALIN), the 13thICLIm ICLS &3rd (27 August 2022), ALSI meeting (28 August 2022), and open class at UPI-Labschool (29 August 2022).
About three hundred sixty-nine participants joined the event, of which 93% of the participants participated online. Also, about Ninety-four presenters shared their papers including 5 keynote speakers, 12 plenary speakers, 3 symposium speakers, and 66 parallel speakers across various backgrounds in education such as from teachers, principals, board of education, Ministry of education, students, and academicians both nationally and internationally.
Prof Tatang Herman, Dean of FPMIPA, explained the success of the 20 years commemoration of JICA cooperation in education is made possible by the strong commitment of organizing committee members for their hard work over the last one year to provide an interesting and stimulating commemoration program for all participants.
Furthermore, JICA Indonesia Representatives, Mr. Kenji OKAMURA feels proud and happy and express JICA thanks-full on the 20th years of commemoration of cooperation between JICA-UPI, through a collaborative study of classroom-based learning that develop as a good practice that we called it as “Lesson Study”. He explained that this Japanese “lesson study” has been adopted in many collaborative education projects. JICA started its first technical collaboration at improving the quality of basic education in the mid-1990s, responding to the global commitment to quality basic education, and Indonesia was one of the first five countries in basic education partnership emphasis on “ownership”, “ partnership”, “independence” as the basic philosophy.
Up to date, UPI in collaboration with other Indonesian stakeholders have successfully localized the implementation of lesson study for quality learning for all in the Indonesian context and continues to devote itself to that end (such as implemented through LPTK(Educational Staff Educational Staff) of Education Institution).The effective and strategic partnership has been established between UPI and other teacher education universities, education policy makers, and local education administration to support schools with lesson study as a means of improving quality of lessons.Lesson
Study Development in Indonesia is getting bigger and spread throughout Indonesia through various programs, and UPI committed continuous efforts towards quality learning for all with Lesson Study continues and is even stronger. Since last 20 years, We believe that stages of lesson study in Indonesia have evolved from adoption and adaptation becoming sustain, resilience, and driven which is indicated by the launching of the Asia-Africa Learning Improvement Network (AALIN) initiated by UPI scholars (Arif Hidayat and Sumar Hendayana) with national and international network supports, as teachers and other educators network on learning improvement practices in Asia-Africa.