Five students from the Film and Television Study Program (FTV) at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia have successfully completed their Bachelor Program studies on time. Siti Anisa Setiani and Mauly Putri Dipiati from the Television Studies major, along with Restu Rizqina, Wiki Riandi, and Nabila Pramadita from the Film Studies major, were declared ‘Passed’ after their thesis examination on Friday, June 9, 2023.
This graduation marks a significant milestone for the FTV Study Program, as it is the first time that FTV students have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree. These students, known as the First Batch of the Study Program, have persevered through various challenges, including the implementation of the national curriculum and the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Notably, four out of the five students participated in the examination under the “Without Thesis” category. They successfully published their scientific papers in nationally accredited journals, which were recognized as alternative requirements for graduation at the Bachelor level. The “Without Thesis” option has been available at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia since 2018, as outlined in the Rector Regulation Number 3259/UN40/HK/2018.
Dr. Hery Supiarza, M.Pd, the Head of the FTV Study Program, expresses hope that this graduation achievement will inspire other students to be more productive in creating film and television works. He encourages them to make theoretical and practical contributions to society through scientific publications in nationally and internationally accredited journals, as well as through their creative endeavors in film and television. Congratulations to all the students for their remarkable achievements!