Indonesian School Students in Tokyo Study State Financial Literacy

Tokyo, 11 November 2021 — State financial and economic literacy is a vital aspect of people’s lives today. The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), always supports the efforts of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research. and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in improving the quality of education, especially in contributing knowledge and understanding of state finances and budgets to the nation’s children.

The event was attended by the Education and Culture Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, Yusli Wardiatno and the Financial Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, Sonny Surachman Ramli.

Atdikbud Yusli gave a brief explanation of the role, function, and development of SRIT. “It should be reported to the Director General and the Ministry of Finance, that apart from being a center for primary and secondary education services (dikdasmen) for Indonesian citizens in Japan, SRIT is also mandated to reach education services for Indonesian citizens in East Asian countries,” said Atdikbud Yusli who confirmed that this policy had been officially released through the Letter of the Minister of Education and Technology Number 223/P/2021 dated September 15, 2021.

Atdikbud Yusli and Atkeu Sonny in their respective remarks expressed their appreciation for the activities of the Ministry of Finance Teaching at SRIT.

“Ministry of Finance Teaching is very useful for providing knowledge and knowledge about the economy and state finances to SRIT students,” said Atkeu Sonny who was greeted with approval from Atdikbud Yusli.

Atdikbud Yusli, on this occasion, also reported the current condition of the SRIT Building regarding safety for students against natural disasters, especially earthquakes and hoped that the Ministry of Finance could allocate future budgets for repairing or even rebuilding the SRIT Building.

Ministry of Finance Teaching, a program that has been held for the 6th time by the Ministry of Finance, was held at the Indonesian Republic School Tokyo (SRIT) online on Tuesday (9/11). This event was attended by SRIT students and filled with material by a number of officials within the Ministry of Finance, namely: Director General of Financing and Risk Management, Luky Alfirman, Director of International and Inter-Agency Customs, R. Syarif Hidayat, Head of the Pratama Matraman Tax Service Office, Ani Natalia, LTO Regional Office Extension Functional, Didy Supriyadi, and Bandung KPKNL Executive R. Ahmad Iman Abdurahman.

The materials provided included an Introduction to the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (ABN), an Introduction to the Profile of the Ministry of Finance, the Values of the Ministry of Finance, an Introduction to the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) and the Ministry of Finance’s Efforts in Dealing with Covid-19 and Its Impact on the Economy.

Director General Luky Alfirman conveyed the aims and objectives of KM6 as well as his appreciation to SRIT and the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo for the preparation and implementation of these activities.

The event was opened by singing the National Anthem of Indonesia Raya and introducing the speakers. The speakers were present online, while the SRIT teachers and students were physically present in the SRIT Hall. To encourage the participants, videos of the travel documentation of the Ministry of Finance Teaching 1 to 5 that have been held in various schools and regions throughout Indonesia were shown and followed by the screening of profile videos and performances of SRIT students.

The event continued with a material presentation session, each of which was divided into three classes, namely: Elementary Class in the Computer Laboratory Room, Middle School Class in the Main Room on the 3rd Floor, and High School Class in the SRIT Sports Hall.

The head of SRIT, Saidan, appreciated the Ministry of Finance for the inclusion of SRIT in the 6th Ministry of Finance Teaching program. “This is a process of state financial and economic education that is very beneficial for the nation’s children,” Saidan said. ***  Source: