On Friday February 23rd, representatives of KORINDO Foundation had a visit to Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung. Mr. Yi Sun Hyeong, Executive secretary of KORINDO Foundation meet with officials of UPI in time.
Prof. Dr. HR Asep Kadarohman, M.Si, Rector of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia hosted the meeting followed by other meeting attendants. Vice Rector for Research, Partnership and Business, Prof. Dr. H. Didi Sukyadi, M.A.; Mr. Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, Ph.D., Head of Office of International Education and Relations; Mr. Didin Samsudin, M.M., the head of Korean Language Education; some lecturers and students of Korean Language Education study program also attended the meeting.
Mr. Yi Sun Hyeong said that KORINDO Foundation business mainly focused on hardwood development. He also said that KORINDO Foundation in the near future will open plywood factory in Kalimantan. However, currently KORINDO Foundation not only focusing on hardwood development, but also in producing palm oil. He hopes that in the future, they can give more scholarship to UPI and to other universities.
“Currently, Korean Language education get some scholarship from different companies, but one of the biggest scholarship is from KORINDO Foundation. We also get some achievement both regional and national competitions, and hopefully it can be added for the accreditation. We hope that we can have computer lab in the near future.” Mr. Didin Samsudin.
“UPI have agreement with Sookmyung Women’s University for double degree program. The program is limited only for two students. The students will study for three years in UPI and one years in Sookmyung Women’s University. I hope students of Korean Language can join this program in the future” said Mr. Didi Sukyadi.
The meeting was ended with taking pictures together and all the meeting attendants ate the Indonesian food. (Raden)