Nirmala is a team competing in the GEMASTIK, the National Student Competition in the Field of Information and Communication Technology. The team consists of Laura Anggelika as the Team Leader, with Selvia Widi Triannisa and Jova Dirgantara Putra as members. All three are students of the Multimedia Education Study Program at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Cibiru Campus. Under the guidance of Intan Permata Sari, S.St., M.Ds., Team Nirmala has successfully advanced to the finals.
GEMASTIK XVII 2024 consists of two stages for all competition divisions: the preliminary round and the final round. In this year’s GEMASTIK XVII 2024, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia managed to qualify one team for the finals.
Laura and her team are naturally excited to have made it to the finals. With the guidance of Intan Permata Sari, S.St., M.Ds., they have vowed to give their best performance in the final round of GEMASTIK. The finals will take place from September 22 to September 26, 2024, at Universitas Negeri Semarang.
GEMASTIK, or the National Student Competition in Information and Communication Technology, is a program aimed at enhancing the competencies of Indonesian students, enabling them to act as change agents in advancing ICT and its applications, both during their studies and after graduation. Through GEMASTIK, the ICT competencies of Indonesian students are tested with various case studies in each competition division to produce the most efficient and effective solutions.
GEMASTIK is organized annually by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI) and the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. As a competition in the field of ICT, GEMASTIK is highly relevant in encouraging students to produce innovative digital works that offer solutions to national challenges. GEMASTIK provides students with the challenge of broadening their understanding and comprehensive knowledge in the field of information technology in today’s era.
(Agus Ditmawa)