Record-Breaking Fast: Education Operational Assistance Fund Disbursement Hits 96% in January 2024

Jakarta, January 17, 2024 – The disbursement of the Education Operational Assistance Fund (BOSP) has achieved the fastest and most widespread record in history. In January 2024, the recommendation for the first wave of disbursement reached 402,831 (96 percent) out of a total of 419,218 educational units. The target is to ensure that all educational units receive the Phase I BOSP Funds by March 2024.

“The achievement of a 96 percent disbursement in January is the fastest and best, evenly distributed across all provinces throughout the history of managing the BOSP fund,” said the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim, during the Launching Webinar of the 2024 BOSP Fund Disbursement on Wednesday (17/1).

Mendikbudristek expressed appreciation to all parties involved in the BOSP fund disbursement, including the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), as well as the Education Departments of Provinces and Districts/Cities throughout Indonesia. According to him, thanks to good cooperation, the record-breaking BOSP fund disbursement could be realized early this year.

“The presence of faster disbursement supports educational units in making more precise plans and more beneficial use of funds in efforts to create excellent and outstanding education,” added Mendikbudristek.

Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, and Secondary Education, Iwan Syahril, mentioned that since 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture has launched the third episode of the Independent Learning policy, which marked the beginning of the reform of the School Operational Assistance (BOS) fund policy.

There are four policies launched in the third episode of Independent Learning, namely 1) direct disbursement of BOS funds to the accounts of educational units, 2) increased unit costs according to regional characteristics, 3) more flexible use of funds without percentage barriers, and 4) tightened fund reporting to maintain accountability. “This policy has received positive responses and real impacts from various stakeholders,” continued Iwan Syahril.

Research conducted by the Research and Policy Center (2020) stated that the direct disbursement of BOS funds to the accounts of educational units has reduced delays by 32 percent, or about three weeks faster than in 2019. Furthermore, Kompas research also yielded similar results, with 85.5 percent of school respondents and 96.1 percent of local government respondents stating that direct disbursement of BOS to school accounts is convenient or very convenient. Subsequently, in 2022, this best practice was applied to the Early Childhood Education Operational Assistance (BOP PAUD) and Equality Operational Assistance (BOP Kesetaraan) policies.

In 2024, the government relaxed the requirements for the disbursement of Phase I BOSP funds and considered accountability in Phase II. This provision is a step to accelerate disbursement while maintaining accountability for fund management. As a result, 96 percent of Phase I BOSP funds were disbursed in January 2024.

“This policy will be very beneficial for educational units where they no longer need to seek bridge funds or allocate budgets for early fiscal year needs,” said Iwan Syahril.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, and Secondary Education, Praptono, stated that 96 percent, or 402,831 educational units, have been recommended for disbursement in the first phase of the first wave, and the process is still ongoing. “Education departments and educational units can monitor it through the BOS Salur application,” added Praptono.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb), Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the Disbursement Letter for Funds (SP2D) until January 17, 2024, amounted to 159,396 (40 percent), SP2D until January 18 amounted to 341,824 (85 percent), and SP2D until January 19 amounted to 385,174 (95 percent) dispersed to the accounts of educational units.

“Various technology platforms such as the School Activity and Budget Plan Application (ARKAS) and the School Procurement Information System (SIPLah) are also present to support BOSP fund management from planning to reporting,” added Praptono.

Praptono also emphasized three important steps in developing data-based planning to produce precise and effective planning and budgeting. First, identify problems based on indicators displayed in the Education Profile. Second, reflect on achievements, equalization, and the learning process in educational units and their respective regions to find the root of the problem. Third, make improvements through the formulation of activities in the form of educational unit (BOS and BOP) and regional (APBD) activity plans and budgets to address the root of the problem.

The record-breaking disbursement of the BOSP fund has received positive responses from educational units. Ignasius Ghele Radja, Head of SMP Negeri 1 Ende, Ende District, said the policy is excellent. “We will immediately carry out activities according to the planned program based on the identification results in the Education Report,” said Ignasius Ghele Radja.

Abdul Samad, Head of SLB Negeri Kotabaru, Kotabaru District, echoed similar sentiments. The early disbursement of BOSP funds in January, according to him, is great news for schools. This disbursement provides an extraordinarily significant benefit for schools and students.

“We can implement the planned programs of the school earlier, so the benefits can be felt optimally by the students,” he said, inviting educational units to use the 2024 BOSP funds appropriately, accountably, and transparently to realize quality learning for students.