Group 1 KKN Collaboration Team with the Publication Journal Office Held The 2nd International Student Conference on Education 2022

Group 1 Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in 2022 in collaboration with the Office of Journals and Publications (KJP), Directorate of International Affairs ( DIA), held the 2nd International Student Conference on Education (ISCoE) 2022 with the title “Empowering Students’ Digital Literacy in Reading, Writing, Counting, and Science in Facing Sustainability Development in 4.0” which was held online, Sunday (30 Jan 2022) . The Invited Speakers for this activity were Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, STTMeng., and the keynote speakers at this activity were Rina Maryanti, S.Pd., M.Pd., Risti Ragadhita, S.Si., Dwi Fitria Al Husaeni, and Siti Nur Hofifah

The UPI Thematic KKN International Seminar This is supported by a number of parties, including the Vice-Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs (Prof. Dr. Didi Sukyadi, MA), Director of the Directorate of International Affairs (DIA) (Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, Ph.D.), Secretary of the Institute for Research and Service to Community (LPPM) (Prof. Dr. Ida Hamidah, M.Sc.), Head of the Center for the Study of Community Empowerment and Community Service Development (Dr. Leni Anggraeni, M.Pd.), and Head of the KJP Office (Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, ST, M.Eng.). This activity was attended by several participants from abroad, including from the Philippines and Thailand. The activity takes place from 08.00 to 13.00 WIB.

Some of the UPI participants received the following awards:

1st Golden MedalMuhammad Daffaulhaq RivaiIndonesia
1st Golden MedalDwi Fitria Al HusaeniIndonesia
1st Golden MedalPourrat PechsiriThailand
1st Golden MedalRisti RagadhitaIndonesia
1st Golden MedalMerrychelle Bebs P. CoyocaPhilippines
1st Golden MedalDwi Novia Al HusaeniIndonesia
1st Golden MedalRina MaryantiIndonesia
1st Golden MedalFitrilia WidiyantiIndonesia
1st Golden MedalAlron Godrian E. GajoPhilippines
2nd Silver MedalIndah Nur ChazanahIndonesia
2nd Silver MedalRene G. GarbosaPhilippines
2nd Silver MedalAulia Zahrotunnida HidayatIndonesia
2nd Silver MedalCarlo ManosaPhilippines
2nd Silver MedalRosete, Ellen NiahPhilippines
2nd Silver MedalFauza Sari RahmadaniIndonesia
2nd Silver MedalSurya WijayaIndonesia
3rd Bronze MedalLenny E. CabrillosPhilippines
3rd Bronze MedalMira Novita RahmanIndonesia
3rd3rd Bronze MedalDennis Surya PutraIndonesia
3rd3rd Bronze MedalDila Nurul FadilahIndonesia
AndelinaDisya Bronze MedalFebrianiIndonesia
AllifahVakhroh Bronze MedalIndonesia,

Dr. Eng Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, S.T. M.Eng. said that “I congratulate KKN students who have reached the final stage of activities and can collaborate with KJP DIA on ISCoE 2022 activities. I also congratulate several students from UPI who have won awards. Hopefully this event can provide benefits for all of us. Source: HumasUPI