UNJ Visits UPI to Discuss Integrity Zone Development in Higher Education Institutions

Bandung, Indonesia – Representatives from Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) visited Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) to discuss and gather information on developing Integrity Zones (IZ) at the faculty level, in line with the Strengthening the Integrity of State Higher Education Ecosystems Program (PIEPTN).

The Faculty of Engineering and the Postgraduate Program at UNJ have been designated as pilot projects for developing integrity zones. In accordance with their performance contract with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), UNJ plans to establish integrity zones across all faculties this year. The visit to UPI aims to enhance the management and development of these integrity zones.

This statement was made by Prof. Dr. Ari Saptono, S.E., M.Pd., UNJ Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, following a discussion on integrity zone development held in the meeting room on the 3rd floor of the University Center Building, UPI Campus, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, on Friday, June 28, 2024.

Prof. Ari Saptono noted that the discussion provided valuable insights and motivation from the experience of UPI’s Faculty of Social Sciences Education (FPIPS) in building integrity zones aimed at achieving the Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM) status.

He emphasized, “Based on the discussion and experiences shared by FPIPS UPI, we hope to reinvigorate and boost the motivation and spirit within UNJ’s Faculty of Engineering to continue striving for WBK and WBBM status, which we have been pursuing for three years now, as our enthusiasm had started to wane.”

The next steps involve identifying issues related to public service governance and formulating improvement measures to be documented in the Evaluation Work Sheet (LKE).

In relation to PIEPTN development efforts, Prof. Dr. H. Memen Kustiawan, SE., M.Si., M.H., Ak., CA., CPA., Secretary of UPI, outlined strategic measures that higher education institutions can take concerning PIEPTN.

He stated, “Institutions need to prepare legal framework documents related to institutional integrity in the Academic Quality Assurance (PAK), including in strategic plans (Renstra), organizational structure (SOTK), blueprints, and others. Additionally, it is essential to build systems across all aspects that can enhance human resource integrity in preventing corruption.”

Further steps include integrating PAK into the curriculum through both direct and indirect methods by embedding it into existing activities. Moreover, institutions should continuously enhance the capacity and awareness of human resources regarding PIEPTN to support Academic Quality Assurance.