Kuningan – In a collaborative effort between the Community Education Study Program of the Faculty of Education Sciences at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and the Kuningan District Cooperative MSME Trade and Industry Department, a successful community empowerment event was conducted from August 2nd to 3rd, 2023. The primary focus of the event was to empower 40 MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) actors in Kuningan District through a series of mentoring and strengthening activities.
Dr. Cucu Sukmana, M.Pd, a renowned MSME expert in West Java, was one of the main speakers at this event. He was accompanied by local officials such as Mr. Sutin, SP, the Head of the Trade and Industry Division for MSMEs, and Dr. Dadang Yunus Lutfiansyach, M.Pd, Secretary of the Community Education Study Program FIP UPI. The Community Service Lecturer Team, consisting of Dr. Purnomo, M.Pd, Dr. Eko Sulistiono, M.Pd, and Deti Nudiati, M.Pd, were also instrumental in organizing the event.
One of the central topics addressed was the importance of the Business Identification Number (NIB) as a business identity and legality. The NIB, which simplifies the fulfillment of tax obligations and permits, stands as evidence that an MSME business has received official recognition from the government.
Dr. Cucu Sukmana emphasized the significance for new MSMEs to register through the OSS to obtain this legality. He also highlighted that, besides licensing, understanding MSME management strategies and the mental readiness of business actors are crucial in achieving success.
Great expectations arise from this initiative. With full support from the local government and MSME actors, there is a desire for this empowerment program to be held routinely every semester by higher education institutions. Activities like this are hoped to continually introduce innovative material in the form of training or technical guidance, propelling the growth and advancement of MSMEs in Kuningan District.