UPI Held a Great Work Nationality Public Lecture for Advanced Indonesia

Bandung, UPI – Indonesian Education University (UPI) held a Great Working Nationality Public Lecture for Advanced Indonesia (Indonesia Gold 2045: Optimization of Digital Transformation for Human Resources and Economic Advancement). This Nationality Public Lecture was held on Tuesday (21/6) morning at 08.00 WIB. This event is held offline and online. The limited offline event was held at the Gymnasium Building, UPI Bumi Siliwangi Campus, Bandung City by limiting the number of invited guests and implementing applicable health protocols. Meanwhile, online events are held through a video streaming application on the TVUPI Digital YouTube channel.

The event was attended by the Chancellor of UPI, Prof. Dr. HM Solehudin, M.Pd, MA, along with all his staff, a number of invited guests and a number of UPI students. Prof. Dr. Cecep Darmawan, S.Pd., S.IP., SH, MH, M.Sc. who is a UPI Professor of Political Science was also present as a moderator in this event. Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, MA, M.Pd who is also a UPI Professor and UPI Deputy Chancellor were also present as resource persons in this event. In addition, there were also special invited guests and resource persons, Mr. Erick Thoir, who is the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). In his speech, the Chancellor of UPI expressed his hope that this event would provide something useful for the development of insight and for the establishment of friendship between various parties.

“The challenges of life as a nation always exist in every era with all its problems and challenges and on the other hand digital transformation is a necessity of life that continues to process that cannot be damned anymore, therefore how are the leaders of this nation including the minister who was present on this occasion? can provide sharing of thoughts on how we can build national insight and national life in the future by also accommodating the very rapid technological developments and changes in the current era.” said the Chancellor of UPI. (UPI Public Relations Contributor: Salsabila Raniyah M.)