UPI Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program Collaborates with Kirihuci Indonesia to Organize E-Marketing-Based Entrepreneurship Webinar

Tuesday, 27 September 2022, Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program FPBS UPI together with Kirihuci Indonesia held an Entrepreneurship Webinar chaired by Dr. Afi Fadlilah, SS, M. Hum. with the theme “Millennial Entrepreneurial Strategies to Build Business Through E-Marketing”. This webinar activity was held online through a Zoom Meeting with a total of 394 participants, most of whom were students of the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, FPBS UPI.

Through his speech, Dr. Mahmud Fasya, S.Pd., MA as Head of the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program and Dr. Isah Cahyani, M.Pd. as the Head of the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education FPBS UPI conveyed the purpose of this entrepreneurship webinar. The purpose of this webinar is to motivate students of the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education FPBS UPI to have an interest in entrepreneurship. Moreover, the business opportunity through e-marketing in the present and the future is very large.

“Please friends, you will get extraordinary knowledge with Pak Irwan Hermawan’s team today. Moreover, how to make an entrepreneurial plan in this millennial era by utilizing e-marketing so that friends can reach a wide market share and get blessings” – Dr. Mahmud Fasya, S.Pd., MA

“With this entrepreneurial webinar, it is hoped that all of you (students) can make strategies on how to build an e-marketing business. Moreover, a study program is said to be advanced if its alumni continue their studies, build entrepreneurial networks, and work with adequate income” – Dr. Isah Cahyani, M.Pd.

This entrepreneurship webinar activity took place from 08.00 to 14.37 WIB which included five presentations. The first presentation was delivered by Irwan Hermawan, SE, MM who is a certified entrepreneurship and export import coach, BNSP assessor, National Center for MUI Halal supervisor, and BPPOM supervisory Fasda. The material is entitled “Smart Work in Building an E-Marketing Business”. At the beginning of his presentation, the resource person emphasized that entrepreneurship must apply the principle of “Don’t work hard, work intelligent”.

“An entrepreneur must be able to take advantage of the mind and thoughts given by Allah SWT. to think intelligently in order to achieve maximum goals and results” – Irwan Hermawan, SE, MM

In his presentation, the resource person said that an entrepreneur in generating business ideas needs to (1) conduct a survey related to the problems that are around him, (2) observe current trends. happens, (3) doing design thinking, (4) daring to be different and out of the box, and (5) adding value from the product or service. In addition, an entrepreneur must be aware of the importance of taking care of his business licenses, such as NIB, P-irt, HAKI, trademarks, halal certificates, and quality tests, expiration, and GMP/CCPOB so that products can be recognized and get legal protection.

In addition to taking care of business licensing, product packaging also needs to be an entrepreneur’s attention because the packaging is able to reflect the quality of the product and is able to attract the interest of buyers. All e-marketing businesses can take advantage of various kinds of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. The resource person at the end of his presentation emphasized that an entrepreneur who uses e-marketing must at least understand how Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing work.

The second presentation on “Analysis and Application of E-Marketing Kirihuci Indonesia” was delivered by Irma Soraya, ST as the business owner of Kirihuci Indonesia. The resource person started the presentation by telling about his track record as an entrepreneur starting from selling credit, becoming a reseller of t-shirts, hats, shoes, cosmetics, and many more. Although many efforts have been made during the lecture period, the speakers still view all of this as optimism.

“All of that is not a failure, but a process” – Irma Soraya, ST

In his presentation, the resource person explained the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and digital marketing. The types of digital marketing are websites, search engine marketing, social media marketing, online advertising, email marketing, and video marketing. In entrepreneurship, digital marketing strategies must also be considered starting from the target market, choosing the type of content, storytelling and copywriting, and evaluation.

The informant stated that several business strategies carried out by Kirihuci Indonesia were (1) making product grades into grades A and B to determine the target market, (2) patenting products to process product legality/licences, (3) conducting expiration tests and nutrition facts so that product quality is guaranteed and can convince buyers, (4) joins in many activities so that the product is better known, and (5) cooperates with other MSMEs. The tips given by the resource persons to become a millennial entrepreneur are (1) having motivation and knowing the consequences, (2) instilling a growth mindset, (3) exploring creative ideas, and (4) knowing the development of digital marketing.

The third resource person was Muhammad Ahda Imaduddin Abdurrohim, S.Pd., Information and Technology Manager of Kirihuci Indonesia. The material presented was entitled “Content Creator: Organizing Words and Visuals”. The resource persons divided the discussion into three major topics, namely graphic design, content creator, and copywriting.

Whether we realize it or not, our lives are filled with content from opening our eyes (in the morning) to closing our eyes (at night). Tidak hanya itu, setiap dari kita pasti kerap kali membuat konten mulai dari aktivitas sehari-hari yang sedang dijalani, pencapaian hidup, dan masih banyak lagi. Itu semua dapat disebarkan melalui status di status WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, dan masih banyak lagi. Akan tetapi, sebuah konten pasti memiliki tujuan tertentu, seperti hiburan, promosi, dan sebagainya.

“Semua bisa jadi content creator” – Muhammad Ahda Imaduddin Abdurrohim, S.Pd.

As the sources said, everyone can be a content creator with their own goals. In relation to entrepreneurship, the content created must aim to expand market share so that entrepreneurship can be achieved. An entrepreneur must also determine his target market and the type of content to be used for marketing, be it video, images, audio, text, stories and live video.

There are at least six sources that an entrepreneur can use to find content ideas, namely Google Alert, Keyword Everywhere, YouTube, Instagram Story, Pinterest, and books. An entrepreneur in making graphic designs must convey the goal in its entirety to the target market. This goal must be packaged in a graphic design that is pleasing to the eye. There are several ways to make a good graphic design, namely (1) (balance) in each part, (2) irregularities (repetition), and (3) variations (variations) ranging from color, letter shape, or size.

In making interesting copy/writing to promote a product, there is a precise formula offered by the resource person. The formula is named AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action). In the attention section, start writing with something that catches the attention of buyers. Then, follow up with product facts that can attract the interest and curiosity of buyers. Then, offer buyers answers and solutions that your product is the answer. Finally, direct the buyer to take the desired action (buy the product/use the service).

The fourth material on the entrepreneurship webinar is entitled “Application of Social Media in E-Marketing”. The material was delivered by Hera Amalia Mandasari, SS as the Social Media Manager of Kirihuci Indonesia. The resource person started his presentation by explaining the definition of social media. The informant stated that social media, such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, can be used as a space to conduct e-marketing-based business. Then, the seven social media are sorted into (1) Facebook, (2) YouTube, (3) WhatsApp, (4) Instagram, and (5) Twitter based on the number of users, daily use, and age range.

The urgency of social media in increasing business success through e-marketing is to (1) increase brand awareness, (2) get product feedback and marketing strategies, and (3) study competitors. Besides being important, social media also has great benefits, including (1) real-time trends, (2) know your competitors, and (3) attract audiences. The resource person also explained that an entrepreneur who uses social media as a space for doing business must always prepare a strategy (goals, platform, and type of content), make consistent plans, always monitor follower activity on social media (incoming comments and messages), conduct analysis ( check insights).

The last presentation on this entrepreneurship webinar was delivered by Mochammad Rizki Juanda, SS as the Marketplace Manager of Kirihuci Indonesia with the material “Implementation of Market Place in E-Marketing ”. In his presentation, the resource person stated that an entrepreneur who does product marketing through a marketplace must (1) determine name specifications, (2) research surrounding locations, (3) research sales menus, (4) operational time that is adjusted to surrounding conditions, (5 ) menu descriptions, (6) promos available in market places (such as Go-Food/GrabFood), and (7) monitoring buyer ratings (reviews and stars).

There are three market places in Indonesia that are widely used by Indonesian people, namely Shopee, Tokopedia, and Blibli.com. Of course, the three market places have their respective advantages. After that, the resource person explained that an entrepreneur must be able to position himself as a consumer, consider all possible non-standard spellings of your product (such as chips, kiripik, and chips), join the audience community, and look at competitors.

This entrepreneurial webinar activity ended with a question and answer session agenda. Participants who were enthusiastic about asking questions were given the opportunity by sending their questions through the Zoom message column and delivered directly by using the raise hand feature. In this activity, the committee gave activity certificates to all participants as a form of appreciation for their participation in this entrepreneurial webinar activity.