Visit Two Educational Institutions in Shizuoka, Tokyo Atdikbud Develops Prudential Cooperation

The Education and Culture Attaché (Atdikbud) of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, Yusli Wardiatno, had the opportunity to visit two well-known educational institutions in Japan, namely Shizuoka University and the National Institute of Genetics (NIG) located in Shizuoka City, Monday (29/11).

Head of the International Office Noriko Matsuda and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Masaya Kato who was accompanied by staff from the Department of Bioresources Science Masayuki Yamashita as representatives of Shizuoka University received a visit from Atdikbud Yusli. In addition, Atdikbud also held talks with Specially Appointed Associate Professor Yoshihara Hara and Specially Appointed Associate Professor Hiruma Yoichi. Both are lecturers who are responsible for international relations.

Yusli explained that his meeting with the Head of the International Office agreed on a cooperation to increase the capacity of Indonesian School Teachers in Tokyo (SRIT) in the form of short training in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in early spring next year.

“This agreement is a continuation of the previous visit,” explained Yusli, adding that Shizuoka is famous for its geographical conditions. Shizuoka, said Yusli, have complete natural ecosystems ranging from the well-known highlands of Mount Fuji to marine ecosystems in coastal areas. “In addition to research collaborations and staff exchanges, Shizuoka University also has the great potential for student exchange programs through the Summer Course Program in the field of biodiversity (biodiversity). Biodiversity exploration through learning from the ecosystem around Mount Fuji to coastal areas is very interesting for Indonesian students,” said Yusli.

The idea was welcomed by the Head of the International Office and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture. “We will convey it in the inter-faculty meeting at the first opportunity,” said the Head of the International Office, Noriko Matsuda. Atdikbud also asked Shizuoka University to increase the number of Indonesian students through the Asia Bridge Program scholarship program offered.

Deputy Dean of Agriculture Masaya Kato, meanwhile, explained several collaborations that have been carried out in the forestry sector with UGM and IPB, and asked the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo for support to expand the scope of cooperation with other universities in agriculture and marine science. “Moreover, soon Shizuoka University will establish a department in marine science and marine biology,” said Masaya. Director-General Emeritus Professor Fumio Hanaoka welcomed Atdikbud Yusli at the National Institute of Genetics (NIG). Fumio gives a general description of the NIG profile. Atdikbud Yusli also received a review of the functions and benefits and roles of the Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) Center by DDBJ Leader, Masanori Arita. Atdikbud also had the opportunity to witness the state-of-the-art equipment at the Sequencing Center and several laboratories conducting research, namely the Laboratory of Professor Jun Kintano, Professor Shin-ya Miyagishima, as well as visiting the Genetics Museum with Professor Hiroshi Kagoshima and Professor Mutsuaki Suzuki.

“NIG is a genetic research institute with very complete equipment and very open to cooperation. NIG also functions as the Department of Genetics at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (S2, S3) called Sokendai and offer scholarships for postgraduate programs in Genetics. I will meet with universities and related research institutions in an online meeting later, so that many can access the scholarships,” concluded Yusli.[Source: Kemendikbud ]