Nationality Public Lecture at UPI, SOE Minister Erik Thohir Gives Message of Optimizing Digital Transformation for Human Resources and Economic

The Indonesian Education University held a national public lecture which was held at the UPI Gymnasium Building on Tuesday, 21 June 2022 at 08.00 WIB Finished and broadcast live via TVUPI DIGITAL Youtube channel. The response of students to take part in this national general lecture was very high with the number of participants registering online as many as 1440 people. The national public lecture was attended by students, UPI leaders, faculty leaders, and UPI leaders Blood Campus.

The introductory speaker for the general lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, MA, M.Pd, Deputy Chancellor for Research, Business and Cooperation of UPI and Professor of the Indonesian University of Education. The public lecture resource was delivered by the Minister of SOEs Erik Tohir with the theme Great Work for Advanced Indonesia (Indonesia Gold 2045: Optimizing Digital Transformation for the Advancement of Human Resources and the Economy.

The public lecture was led by Moderator Prof. Dr. Cecep Darmawan, S.Pd., SIP, SH, MH, M.Si who is the Head of the Citizenship Education Study Program at the Masters (S2) and Doctoral Levels (S3) FPIPS UPI as well as professor of political science at UPI Rof. Dr. Cecep Darmawan, S.Pd., SIP, SH, MH , M.Si advised that this public lecture can provide enlightenment to all of us and we want this good opportunity to also exchange information and insights about how Indonesia will be in the future.

UPI Chancellor Prof. Dr. M. Solehuddin., M.Pd., MA conveyed appreciation to the Minister of SOEs Erik Tohir for being able to attend the public lecture on this occasion. There were a number of students, lecturers and UPI leaders in this public lecture. Hopefully this public lecture will provide benefits to the UPI campus and strengthen its friendship.

Prof. Dr. M. Solehuddin., M.Pd., MA explained that we are very aware that the challenge is always there and on the other hand also called this digital transformation is a living ingredient which is a process that can no longer be contained. Therefore, how can these national figures, including the minister, Pak Erik Tohir, who attend this opportunity give their thoughts on how we can build national insight and national life in the future through a technological and economic perspective.

In the introduction to the general lecture, Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, MA, M.Pd, explained that the Founding Father Bung Karno, whom we highly respect, was very passionate about the spirit of nationalism. Bung Karno and his friends agreed that the country to be built was a national state that could accommodate all elements of all ethnic groups, all groups of all religions in Indonesia who fought for the birth of the Indonesian nation. The entire Indonesian nation from various groups from various religions became a national state until now we have a national state, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

But in this long journey, there are many twists and turns, many challenges faced by separatist movements, rebellion movements and then also how do we try to implement various forms of democracy, we have been through liberal democracy implementing guided democracy and implementing Pancasila democracy

. democracy. We should be grateful that we are entering into something that is already much better than we were many years ago during the independence period. Economic progress is much better than our economic progress. We are entering into the G20 members.

We still face many challenges facing the separatist movement that wants to separate itself from Indonesia. We were also polarized in the political field at the beginning of the last presidential election and even now we can also be threatened by referees if we do not polarize politics that can divide society. We also see how many of our people are not polite in communicating through mass media.

There are many things that enable us to maintain a national state. Therefore, we hope that the leaders who still have not only clever skills, but also have a high national spirit and still how to embrace various groups will be able to build this nation in a better direction in the future. come.

At the core of the public lecture, Erik Thohir as the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia explained that Indonesia will become a Country that Dominates the World Economic Powers in 2045 and in 2045 Indonesia is predicted to dominate the Top 10 World Economic Powers. To realize Indonesia 2045, Indonesia must be ready to face 5 Global Disruption Trends, namely Geo-economy as a country with a strong economy that can influence global policies and trade, Demographics with changes in behavior and social economic conditions that affect people’s consumption patterns, Environment with climate change and conditions The environment influences the company’s operating patterns & consumer behavior, Technology with continuous innovation changes the conventional business model, and Health with health issues becomes a lifestyle & changes consumer behavior.

Erik Thohir sees that the potential of Indonesia’s Digital Economy is currently very large. The contribution of Indonesia’s Digital Economy (EDI) to current GDP at the level of 4% is projected to be 18%1 in 2030. The Covid-19 situation and the environment are driving change and disrupting. The demographics of 55 percent under 35 also encourage habit change. The digital economy is growing 8 times faster.

Technology development and digitalization are imperative to prepare for the 2nd & 3rd wave digital disruptions that are starting to occur. We have to think about how to fill independence with food, energy and economic sovereignty. The digital economy is our future economy with huge opportunities and markets.

We must together build Indonesia with their respective roles, some are building infrastructure, some are building a digital society and some are building a digital ecosystem. In this era, we encourage the birth of new innovations and we strive to build connectivity. BUMN seeks to encourage connectivity in developing Indonesia.

The Ministry of SOEs has 3 major strategies in developing Indonesia to optimize Indonesia’s digital transformation, namely by developing digital infrastructure, developing digital communities and accelerating the digital economy ecosystem. SOEs develop Digital Infrastructure to optimize the Business Potential of Technology & Digitization through the Development of Data Centers and Clouds to support business activities, Development of Fiber Optic Networks for Telkom Group fiber optic network connectivity along 165,805 km, as well as the Launching of 5G BTS Networks. The construction and installation of 5G networks in 9 (Nine) cities in Indonesia to support industry 5.0

In addition, BUMN & IDT (Indonesia Digital Tribe) are also preparing a Digital Community through the Startup Development Roadmap by the nation’s children and developing the Merah Putih Fund which is present to restore national sovereignty in the startup ecosystem in Indonesia, by Founder criteria are Indonesian citizens, operational companies domiciled in Indonesia, and have entered the Growth Stage with an IPO timeline in Indonesia. In addition, to accelerate the Digital Ecosystem, BUMN as an aggregator is committed to building end-to-end digital value chains.

According to him, economic growth should not only rely on natural resources, but also needs to be strengthened by a knowledge based economy. By having a Growth Mindset, the Young Generation becomes more Agile and Adaptive. Universities must prepare themselves to face working conditions that are predicted to disappear in the next few years. Indonesia needs 17 million workers which Tech-Savvy, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia hopes to encourage the development of education, in meeting these needs. Several Debriefing Programs Needed to Stimulate the Formation of Digital Talent Indonesia through BUMN Digital Behavior & Mindset, Intrapreneur Fundamentals: Unlock Mindset as an Employee, and Growth Mindset in the Digital Era.

Future Digital Talent Needs, namely Data Scientist & Analyst, Artificial Intelligence Expert, Software and Game Developer, Big Data Analyst, Blockchain developer, Market Research, Digital Marketing, Biotechnology and Digital Content. Therefore, BUMN is committed to developing the Young Generation to have global competitiveness through Upskilling with the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB), Indonesia Global Talent Internship Program (IGTI). Conducting 2022 Joint Recruitment Onboarding and building Young Leadership.

In Facing Economic Disruption, Indonesia Must Be Able To Create Its Own Ecosystem “We must have our own ecosystem, our own roadmap, the world of Indonesia, not the world of others. We have to make sure that this ecosystem wins, so we need a new superhero” (UPI Public Relations)