UPI SPPKS Held Socialization on Sexual Violence and Reproductive Health

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Unit or SPPKS UPI held a talk show with the theme of Sexual Violence and Reproductive Health on Thursday, October 13, 2022 at the Auditorium of FPOK UPI, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung.
This talk show invited two speakers, namely Mrs. Irma Darmawanti, M. Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.Kom from a Nursing Study Program Lecturer who is also a Member of SPPKS and Iwan Djugo a Community Organizer from the Bandung City AIDS Commission. This talk show was attended by 118 participants who came from students, UPI ormawa, as well as representatives of regional campuses. Invited guests from the Sukasari Sub-district Head, Isola Village Representatives, Sukasari Police, and Sukasari AIDS Concerned Residents were also present.

In addition to holding a talk show, SPPKS also carries out free health screening and PM (infectious disease) and PTM (non-communicable diseases) tests in collaboration with UPT Puskesmas UPT Ledeng. Participants who have filled out a health screening willingness form can take a series of tests provided.
This talk show aims to increase public awareness, especially students and other youth, about sexual violence and reproductive health. This talk show is expected to be a new science so that people understand the importance of reproductive health knowledge and ensure our reproductive health on a regular basis.