FPMIPA UPI Holds P2M to Increase Science Literacy and Quality of Middle School MIPA Learning Through Lesson Study in Pangandaran Regency

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (FPMIPA) of the Indonesian University of Education, held Community Service with the theme of Increasing Scientific Literacy and Quality of Middle School Mathematics and Natural Sciences Learning through Lesson Study. The activity was held on Monday, 13 June 2022 which was attended by 50 junior high school teacher participants in Pangandaran Regency. The activity was carried out at Pangandaran 1 Middle School which is located on Jl. Merdeka No. 321, Pananjung, Kec. Pangandaran, Kab. Pangandaran, West Java 46396.
The service was carried out by a team from the Dean of FPMIPA at the Indonesian University of Education, namely Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed (Dean), Dr. rer. nat. Adi Rahmat, M.Si (Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs), Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Si (Deputy Dean for Finance and Resources), Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M,Si (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs). This activity was attended by the Head of the Pangandaran Regency Youth and Sports Education Office, Dr. HM Agus Nurdin, M.Pd, Heads of Sections and Heads of Sections within the Pangandaran Regency Youth and Sports Education Office.
Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed in his remarks and material presentation explained that the purpose of this community service is so that the quality of the processes and learning outcomes of all subjects in the school concerned can be further improved, responding to strategic issues such as the Industrial Revolution 4.0, where digitalization is key, which will disrupt many existing economic activities as well as the demands and challenges of teachers in the 21st century in general.
Other sources, namely Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Si explained that through lesson study, it can improve the academic culture of teachers. Can improve collaboration among fellow teachers in learning. Teachers can do self-evaluation about the learning they do. Teachers are motivated to carry out learning innovations. Teachers can produce textbooks and scientific work. Lesson study is carried out by the teacher and for the teacher (with the help of experts, if needed) in a collaborative and sustainable way to improve their professionalism. Lesson study makes the teacher open to receiving suggestions for improving learning.
On another occasion, in the next material session, Dr. err. nat. Adi Rahmat, M.Si gave the theme/topic “Development of MIPA Learning Based on a Cognitive Psychology Perspective”. In-depth understanding of teaching materials, including attention to important aspects of teaching materials and organizing them mentally into coherent cognitive structures (assimilation) and storing them in long term memory is reflected in the form of the ability to apply/use the knowledge that has been taught in new situations (problem solving, decision making, including behavior and speech). Not just mastery of the material (concepts) but more on how to use that knowledge (Higher Order Thinking Skills).
The last material from Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si raised the theme, STEM-based MIPA Learning Innovation to improve 21st century skills. On this occasion the resource person gave an explanation and emphasized that 21st century skills are a requirement that students must have. Through scientific literacy, it enables an individual to develop 21st century skills.
The target output that will result from this activity is in the form of learning products and tools that are very valuable for junior high school teachers in the program’s target areas and their surroundings. It is hoped that this activity will provide an alternative in handling the problem of improving the quality of learning in remote areas which has not received much attention from the central and regional governments.
The participants hope that this activity will not only take place once, but can take place continuously, so that the benefits can be felt continuously for the sake of improving the quality of learning for schools based on Islamic boarding schools. All this time teachers carry out learning based on curriculum demands and within the teacher’s frame of mind alone without caring about each student’s understanding of learning. This is driven by the large amount of material that must be delivered in each particular semester. Even though in the concept of lesson study, every student must have equal rights in learning and understanding the material delivered by the teacher for the various subjects he/she gets