Discussion on Class Exchange of the UPI-UTHM Cooperation Program


Currently, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia is trying to improve IKU by establishing intensive collaboration with several overseas universities, one of which is with UTHM (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) Batu Pahat Johor, Malaysia. In the meeting on Monday, October 1, 2021, it was discussed about the cooperation offer given by UTHM related to the class exchange program. The technical learning is not in person. It is done online. While the program that was opened only involved S1 and S2 Study Programs, even then it was only limited to “Research Methods” courses.

UTHM mostly asked from FPTK and only asked for S1 and S2. There is a slight difference in the academic calendar between Malaysia and UPI. At UTHM the academic calendar starts on October 10, 2021, while at UPI, it has started since September. So now they are each preparing. the the invitation of the Dean of FPMIPA, Deputy Dean I of FPMIPA, Director of the Directorate of Finance, Director of STI, Directorate of Education by the Vice Chancellor of the Midwife for Education and Student We We that that the offer of cooperation for this class exchange program still still be accommodated, because in a meeting two days ago, Mr. Asep Supriatna, the Director of Education, that that still still provided an opportunity to enter even though it is late, but it is still predictable, the core of the program is an online lecture exchange program in the eyes of a “research methodology” that that will involve undergraduate and postgraduate students from natural natural sciences natural natural sciences study program. Hearing the news that the master’s degree has begun to be integrated into the faculty, that’s why this meeting invited the dean and the director SPs, SPs, until the end of December, there was a transition period, there was a sign that it wanted to be integrated.

So this is the target from UTHM and from UPI students online, as for the total number of around 45 students, consisting of 30 undergraduates and 15 masters, this offer is very good in terms of increasing KPI Ad hoc. Class Exchange program with UITM lasts only two months, all activities outside the system, are not officially included in the system.

UTHM currently wants this class exchange program activity to be included in the system (recorded in the so so there are all kinds of course Later, Later, there will also be a certificate of what value, everything is official and this is not directly recorded in the system at SIAK UPI, nor at PDDIKTI, with the invitation from the party in command of STI and from the Directorate of Finance, because this is related to the system and finance, even though this is a reciprocal So So it depends on the approval of UPI and UTHM, and usually if, for example, from UPI students, there is no need to pay and vice versa, but later of course because this may be a slightly customized program, so the Director of Finance is expected to provide an overview of what technically this activity looks like so that it can be reported to the SIAK and PDDIKTI systems. As with the cooperation program between the two institutions, it is possible for students not to be asked to pay tuition fees, like students who collaborate. In this meeting, it is hoped that this class exchange program can be discussed together, and it is hoped that it can be accommodated in the system at UPI in SIAK and PDDIKTI.

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