On Tuesday, March 19, 2024 in Jakarta, KADIN Indonesia held a Pre-Departure Meeting for students who will carry out the Internship program to Japan. Reporting from kadin.id, this program aims to enable students to enrich their skills and optimize their talents so that they can get suitable jobs.
KADIN Indonesia officials who attended the Pre-Departure Meeting were Deputy Chairman Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, Deputy Chairman for Vocational and Certification Adi Mahfudz Wuhadji, Deputy for Education Quality Improvement and Religious Moderation of the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, Warsito, and of course students from 4 selected campuses, namely ITL Trisakti, UNESA, UPI, STBA YAPARI accompanied by one representative of each guardian or parent. The three selected representatives from UPI are Muhammad Fajri (Japanese Language Education, 2021), Azka Putra Pratama (Japanese Language Education, 2021), and Billie Adam Atmajaya Harmono (Japanese Language Education, 2021).
Additionally, the Chairperson of the Association of Foreign Apprenticeship Organizers (AP2LN), Vice Rector of the Trisakti Institute of Transportation and Logistics (ITL), Chairperson of the Japanese Language Study Program at Yapari College of Foreign Languages (STBA), Director of the Directorate of Student Affairs of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dean of the Faculty of Language and Arts of Surabaya State University (UNESA), Rector of Nusa Putra University, Representatives of Brawijaya University and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah were also in attendance.
Initially, all attendees gathered in a meeting room. At 10 AM, the meeting was opened with welcoming remarks, starting from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) officials to representatives of parents from each campus. KADIN then facilitated the signing of Memorandum of Understanding related to the programme for the campuses present. Heading to the main point of the meeting, several officials cut a red ribbon across the table to symbolise the release of students for internships in Japan. The meeting then ended with a photo session with all participants. All stages of the day’s agenda successfully ran without a hitch.
One of the interns, Fajri, expressed his positive impression of the internship programme in Japan. He never imagined he would be able to go to The Land of the Rising Sun for an internship, where the discharge of the programme was formal and accompanied by several ministries. He also felt delighted to be well-supported and placed in an outstanding company. Furthermore, Fajri hopes this programme will remain in the future so that the opportunities that come his way may also fetch the upcoming interns.