Kemendikbudristek Targets 1,500 Doses per Day for Employee Advance Vaccination (Booster)

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) held a booster vaccination for employees with a target of 1,500 doses per day. This vaccination lasts for five days, from January 25 to 29, 2022. Two mandatory requirements that must be met by employees to get this follow-up vaccination are to have a third vaccination ticket in the PeduliLindung application and have passed six months from the second dose of vaccination.

Member of the National Secretariat of the Disaster Safe Education Unit (Seknas SPAB), Jamjam Muzaki, said that the committee has arranged a schedule for the vaccination which is divided into two places and in two waves of time. “We split into two places. 

The first is in Building A (Plaza of Achievement Persons) and the second is in Building D of the Ministry of Education and Culture as an effort to overcome the crowd. Then divide into two shifts. shift at 8.30 WIB to 12.00 WIB and shift from 13.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB,” he said while reviewing the vaccination implementation at the Outstanding Personnel Plaza of the Ministry of Education and Technology, Jakarta, Tuesday (25/1/2022).

On the first day of vaccination, vaccination at the Plaza Insan Berprestasi was scheduled for employees in seven bureaus at the Secretariat General. Then the vaccination in Building D is for employees of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dikti Ristek) and the Center for Education and Training (Pusdiklat). Jamjam said that Kemendikbudristek cooperates with health facilities from the DKI Jakarta Health Service as a vaccine provider, namely the Tanah Abang District Health Center. Then health workers such as doctors and nurses, as well as the administrative team, came from the Ministry of Education and Culture with the help of four people from the campus. “So all of them come from the Ministry of Education and Technology,” he said.

He added that the follow-up vaccinations held for Kemendikbudristek employees were following the specified standards, among others, vaccination participants were required to comply with applicable health protocols, such as using medical masks and maintaining a distance between participants. Participants should also ensure that the body is in top condition before receiving the booster. “Regarding the vaccine dose, we are using half the required dose. The vaccine used is the Pfizer vaccine. During the observation, there have been no complaints from participants,” he said.

One of the health workers from the Secretariat General Polyclinic, Doctor Sarah, revealed how important the third Covid-19 vaccination is. “It is important to boost our immune system against the Covid virus itself. So in the beginning, we will vaccinate the first one and after the second one, it has been six months since the immunity will decrease. That’s why a booster,” he said.

According to him, the first day of the follow-up vaccination at the Kemendikbudristek office went smoothly. “Thank God it’s going well, huh. I was on duty in Building D and there were no significant obstacles. There may be some patients who have to be postponed because it is not yet six months (from the second vaccination schedule). For my personal patients, those with hypertension have also gone down, so everything can be done, “said Doctor Sarah.

One of the employees who was vaccinated on the first day, Septian, appreciated the vaccination that went well. According to him, overall, starting from registration, screening, to injection, it was very smooth, orderly, orderly, and did not take long so that employees could continue their work as usual. “We were also given time to observe for 15 minutes, if later there are side effects that are felt, we can immediately report them to the medical officer,” he said. He hopes that in the future all Kemendikbudristek employees can avoid the Covid-19 virus.

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