KJP Awards 2021: An Appreciation for UPI Researchers

Kantor Jurnal Publikasi or KJP just held KJP Awards 2021 on Wednesday, March 31st, 2021 virtually. The aim of this event is to appreciate and motivate the lecturers and students who are active in research and publication. KJP is a division under the Directorate of International Affairs (DIA) and Vice Rector for Research, International Affairs, Partnership, and Business that manages the journals and publications of faculty members and students. In March 2021, UPI is on the 16th rank of the Scopus Publication Ranking in Indonesia.
KJP Awards 2021 is granted based on the calculation of the Scopus-Indexed journal articles written by UPI’s lecturers and students during 2020. From the shortlisted nominees, here are the list of the awardees of KJP Award 2021:

Through KJP Awards 2021, the Vice Rector for Research, International Affairs, Partnership, and Business, Prof. Dr. H. Adang Suherman, M.A., hoped that by holding this event, the lecturers and the students will be more motivated to do research and therefore increase the university’s rank in Indonesia and the World.

Contributors: Fadlila Ghifarina Gani, Proofreader: Natashia Thai