PGPAUD and PGSD Study Programs UPI Campus in Serang Holds English Credential Camp

English Credential Camp (ECC) is a program that aims to help students majoring in Early Childhood Education to improve their English language skills and build confidence in English. This program is expected to be a solution for future students.

This statement was conveyed by the Head of the PGPAUD Study Program at the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) in Serang Dr. Yulianti Fitriani, S.Pd., M.Sn., in a recent interview session in the Meeting Room of the UPI Campus Directors in Serang Jalan Ciracas No. 38 City of Serang, Banten province.

He explained further, “ECC is an Independent MBKM program proposed by students in the Independent Program for Strengthening Scientific Professionals (PMP2K). So, this activity is also related to research which is Collaborative Independent Research between Lecturers and Students of PGPAUD Study Program and PGSD of the UPI Campus in Serang. The goal is to improve language skills that are not only oriented towards foreign languages ​​(English), but regional (Sundanese) and Indonesian language skills.”

Participants in this program were joined by 51 semester 7 students of PGPAUD Study Program, he said. They took part in the ECC program in the integration session of the Regional Language Learning for Early Childhood Education course.

He stated, “This research uses Pupuh Pucung as a translational material packaged with a musical approach. Apart from translating the lyrics of pupuh into Indonesian and English, students found advice or advice in the form of a summary of pupuh pucung content which was presented in English. The title of the research is the Translating Ability of Sundanese-Indonesian-English Semester 7 Students in the English Credential Camp (ECC) Program at UPI PGPAUD PROJECT, SERANG CAMPUS.”

As we know, he said again, we are in Society 5.0, and to face the era of globalization, we must have good personal branding, and by participating in the English Credential Camp (ECC) program, maybe this is one way to get it, he stressed.

English Credential Camp provides 4 programs, he said again. These programs are the Grammar Program, the Vocabulary and Pronunciation Program, the Speaking Program, and the Speech Program. The program will be integrated into semester 7 subjects so that it can be fully converted up to 20 credits. At the end of the session, students sang pupuh pucung with the research team with great enthusiasm and joy.

Following are the names of the research team, Dr. Yulianti Fitriani, S.Pd., M.Sn., as Chair, meanwhile Dra. Nenden Sundari, M.Pd., and Fatihatul Rosyidah, SS, M.Pd., as members of Lecturers and Anisa Agustiana (PGSD class of 2020), Nida Nuraida (PGSD class of 2020), Felisia Gusti Pangestu (PGPAUD class of 2020), and Siti Hasanah (PGPAUD class of 2020) as a student member.