THE 2024 SDG 14



Aims to conserve and maintain the use of ocean, sea and coastal resources for sustainable development. The implementation of activities to achieve the targets in Goal 14, is not only beneficial for sustainable marine ecosystem management, but also has an impact on the achievement of other SDGs Goals, namely Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 8, Goal 11, Goal 12 and Goal 13 which are the results of the analysis. scientific studies by the International Council of Science (ICSU, 2017)

Some of the targets that have been agreed in Goal 14 are: (i) preventing and reducing marine pollution, especially from land, including marine debris and nutrient pollution; (ii) protect and sustainably manage marine and coastal ecosystems; (iii) minimize and address the impact of increasing acid levels in the sea and (iv) regulate the harvesting of fish at sea and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing; and (v) conservation of at least 10% of marine and coastal areas according to scientific information; (vi) maintaining subsidies that encourage overcapacity and overfishing and that encourage IUU fishing; (vii) increasing the economic benefits of the sea to communities in small island countries and developing countries by sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable fisheries management, aquaculture and tourism.

Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action





Water sensitive waste disposal

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

Maintaining a local ecosystem

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

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