Many supporting factors for survival, one of which is energy. Energy is at the core of every activity we do. Without energy, there are no moving humans, running machines, growing plants and so on.
We must develop energy sustainability so that it has a long-term impact. We must use energy and use it sparingly because if it is used excessively it will have an effect on global warming.
University measures towards affordable and clean energy
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia has published the Strategic Plan (Rencana Strategi/ RENSTRA) which set the goals for the institution to be as wise as possible for renovating and building the infrastrutures. The RENSTRA was signed on October 7, 2020, for the termof 2020 – 2025. It is open for public.
The Strategic Plan of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia suggest the buildings to be upgraded to be more efficient in energy consumption. As an example, buildings are suggested to change conventional lighting to automatic lighting. Additionnaly, it is suggested to have many windows or ventilations for natural lighting. Our inventions of reflective paint are also utilize to decrease the heat inside buildings.
RENSTRA has directed us to plan the reduction of energy consumption.
The total volume of organic waste per day in 2022 was approximately 17 cubic meters. While inorganic waste per day in 2022 was approximately 7 cubic meters.
We haven’t developed a divestment policy yet.
Energy usage per sqm
The total energy used in 2022 was 26,332 GJ.
The university fllow space in 2022 was 96,335 SQM.
Energy and the community
Out study program and student organization were continuously providing community programmes for energy efficiency in 2022.
UKM KOMPOR UPI dan Tim Dosen Peneliti Lakukan Rancang Bangun Pompa Air Energi Surya di Parakan Wayang, Desa Sirnajaya, Gununghalu, KBB