Mr. Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, the Head of Office of International Education and Relations (OIER), invites the 6 participants of SEA-Teacher to a welcome dinner event at Pondok Makan Ikan Cianjur on Tuesday, February 18th 2020.
After almost two weeks of staying in Indonesia, the students who participate in the SEA-Teacher program have done several activities including class observation and teaching assistance. Besides, they also have been introduced to some Indonesian culture such as the traditional foods and arts.
“We want to make you enjoy your stay here,” said Mr. Ahmad Bukhori as the opening remarks of the event. He also said that their stay in Indonesia is as important as the program itself. After the opening remarks, the students and other participants of the welcome dinner event then proceed to enjoy Sundanese food that are being served namely nasi liwet, ayam bakar, tahu and tempe.
Starting from this week, the students will have teaching practicum and teaching collaboration with the mentors from each school and subject. Moreover, in the following week before the participants finish the SEA-Teacher program, their teaching implementations will be examined by the mentors and supervisors that have been provided by UPI. (Writer: Neili Bahjah Muhimmah, Editor: Aida Hasanah)