The adjustment of the Four Ministerial Decree regarding the implementation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic which was issued on December 21, 2021, regulates the monitoring of face-to-face learning (PTM) and the development of the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the education unit environment. Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Sesjen Kemendikbudristek), Suharti, said the government encouraged education units to use digital technology so they could monitor the development of the pandemic in each education unit.
“One example is the holding of a QR code in each school to monitor the spread of the virus in schools. By using digital technology, we will speed up our follow-up if Covid-19 cases are found,” said Suharti in the 2022 Face to Face Learning (PTM) Readiness Webinar, Monday (3/1/2022).
Education units must use technology for monitoring and evaluation of limited PTM that is integrated with basic education data (DAPODIK) and EMIS (education information data system from the Ministry of Religion) with PeduliLindungi. Monitoring the level of compliance with the Covid-19 health protocol in education units must also be integrated with the Bersatu Against Covid application, right. In addition, the education unit must also verify the WhatsApp number in charge of the education unit on the or page and install the QR Code for the PeduliLindung application in the area. enter and exit the education unit.
Based on the Joint Decree of the Minister of Health, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and Minister of Religion stipulated on December 21, 2021 regarding Guidelines for Implementation of Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period, the use of technology for monitoring and evaluation of PTM is limited to with three attempts. First, the integration of DAPODIK/EMIS with PeduliLindung. Second, integration with the United Against Covid application for monitoring the level of compliance with the Covid-19 health protocol in education units. Third, the evaluation and validation of PTM is limited based on checklist data, vaccines, Covid-19 cases, and prokes compliance.
The integration of DAPODIK/EMIS with PeduliLindungi is carried out in three forms, namely (1) notification of school condition status via WhatsApp to the school and regional person in charge (education office/regional office/Kemenag office), (2) viewing the status of school conditions on the https://pages:/ / and , and (3) the use of QR Code PeduliLindung for visitors and guests.
Meanwhile, in the same webinar, the Director General of PAUD, Basic Education, and Secondary Education, Jumeri, said that five things monitored in the monitoring and evaluation of limited PTMs were limited PTM readiness according to the checklist from school reports; suspected cases (Covid-19 symptoms) and comorbidities from school reports and the Covid-19 Handling Task Force (PC19); the level of compliance of educational institutions and citizens with health protocols from school reports and the PC19 task force; Vaccine status of residents of education units integrated with PeduliLindung; and confirmed cases and close contacts of Covid-19 integrated with PeduliLindung.
“Education units must also evaluate and validate PTM based on checklist data, vaccines, Covid 19 cases, and health program compliance. And lastly, epidemiological surveillance for educational units that have implemented PTM is limited,” said Jumeri. Epidemiological Surveillance is an activity of systematic and continuous observation of diseases or health problems and conditions that affect the risk of the occurrence of these diseases or health problems in order to take effective and efficient countermeasures.
source: pengelola web kemdikbud