OIER UPI welcomes Ms. Prabha Govindasamy from New Zealand


Office of International Education and Relations (OIER) UPI welcomes Ms. Prabha Govindasamy from New Zealand, 4 February, 2020 at OIER Office 1st floor. The purpose of the visit was to discuss future possibilities of collaboration between UPI and Giles Brooker Academy.

Ms. Prabha Govindasamy is one of the Directors of Giles Brooker Academy; part of Giles Brooker International—registered in New Zealand. She aims to create a gate for students from New Zealand to explore more about Eastern culture in a Short Course Program. Firstly, they have been working with Islamic Fashion Institute (IFI) Bandung in the Modest-Fashion field, and now they want to expand to Culinary and Business.

 “We want to expose our students that have been very comfortable with the Western world to the Eastern culture. We expect that they can explore not only culinary and traditional cuisine from UPI but also where the supply comes from and the process behind it. We expect for a holistic approach to this field because we cannot miss the global opportunity, and if we keep sitting and do nothing the student will be lost and it is unfair for them.” Said Ms. Prabha Govindasamy.

Giles Brooker Academy has established opportunities for students from New Zealand and other countries to take short or longer-term study with institutions in many countries. The programs including nursing, fashion technology, supply chain management, social entrepreneurship, international business, health science/Ayurveda, social work and environmental/conservation science, innovation and sustainability in horticulture. They have been working with a lot of countries before Indonesia, like Singapore, India, and Myanmar.

Based on the discussion, the future collaboration that possible for now is a Short Course for about 6 weeks in 2021 with 10 until 15 students from New Zealand as participants.

After the discussion, Ms. Prabha Govindasamy had a quick tour to the Catering Industry Management program (MIK) and Culinary Art program (Tata Boga) to see their laboratory. (Writer: Ghina Aulia Saffanah, Editor: Aida Hasanah)

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