The Directorate of Immigration Supervision and Enforcement held a socialization on the use of the Online Prevent and Deterrence Application on Friday (03/12/2021). The meeting, which was held on a hybrid basis, was addressed to the Immigration Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) and the Immigration Division of the Kemenkumham Regional Office throughout Indonesia. The use of this application will move the administrative flow of the prevention and deterrence of Foreigners to a centralized and digitally recorded system.
Head of the Sub-Directorate of Prevention and Deterrence, Uray Avian said that the socialization of the online Cekal Application was motivated by the formation of a harmonized Ministerial Regulation related to online prevention and deterrence.
“This all departs from our meeting with the Director, and we evaluate the activities we have served so far, especially in the Cekal Sub-Directorate. From there, we collect various problems so that we find what needs to be done with the output of strengthening the Ditwasdakim,” said Uray.
Some of the conveniences provided by the application include the existence of a menu to make a prevent/deter application, a menu to process approval and rejection of an application, view a prevention/deterrent report consisting of foreign nationals’ personal data to their banned status and decide letter.
Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Directorate of Ditsistik Planning and Development, Intji Diqa Pribadi said that in addition to shifting the administrative flow, the substance of this application also pays attention to the legal aspects of prevention and deterrence activities.
“There are Access Rights in the grand design of the Cekal Online Application. So, every immigration office or pro poser will be given two accesses, namely for input and verification. This block is a legal action process that limits a person’s space for movement, so that rights are clearly and professionally limited. Don’t let people easily apply for a ban without any legal basis or rules that underlie the activities of the banned person,” he said.
Elastic Search technology is also currently being developed, namely identity search/matching, which will be entered into the online visa application logic to view the relevant crossing data. There is also Matching By Biometric technology to minimize data falsification.
With the Cekal Online Application, officers in work units no longer need to send letters to the Wasdakim Directorate to apply for prevention/deterrence or the People’s Search List (DPO). The appointed officers have their respective profiles prepared to input data, as well as the verifier officers.
The development process of the Cekal Online Application is expected to be completed in early 2022 so that the application launch can be realized on January 26, coinciding with Immigration Service Day.