The Rector of the Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Prof. Dr. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd., M.A., presented the Decree of Appointment to the Functional Position of Professor/Full Professor to Dr. Prayoga Bestari, S.Pd., M.Si., Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Science Education (FPIPS), and Dr. Florentina Maria Titin Supriyanti, M.S., Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education (FPMIPA), at the Meeting Room of the Partere Building on the UPI Campus in Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, on Thursday (2/2/2023).
The decree is the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Decree No. 5782/M/07/2023, which appoints Dr. Prayoga Bestari, S.Pd., M.Si., as a Professor/Full Professor in the field of Public Policy, and Dr. Florentina Maria Titin Supriyanti, M.S., as a Professor/Full Professor in the field of Food Biochemistry with Decree No. 5783/M/07/2023.
According to the UPI Rector, with a total of 143 full professors, the percentage has now risen to an ideal 10%. However, the addition of young lecturers with a Master’s qualification to fill new programs has caused an imbalance in the number of full professors according to their proportion, which affects the percentage and makes it fluctuate. Nevertheless, the rector emphasizes that efforts will continue to increase and improve the number by encouraging lecturers to propose their academic/functional positions as Professors/Full Professors, so that the percentage above 10% can be maintained.
As the rector explained, the classic problem in increasing the number of full professors is the research tradition, which has not been properly established. There is no habit of publishing articles, and if research is carried out, and international publication is done, there may not be any significant obstacles. He hopes that full professors will no longer think about themselves but rather focus on contributing to the development of future generations. This mindset should be instilled, and there should be no requests for special treatment. Currently, innovative and new ideas are expected to emerge from full professors, and any findings they have should be shared for the benefit of younger generations.
In attendance at the event were the university’s leadership, including the Vice Rectors, Chair of the Academic Senate, Chair of the Full Professor Council, Deans of FPIPS and FPMIPA, and the Head of the Human Resource Bureau.