MANAGERIAL Journal and JPManper Author Accommodation DIKMANPER FPEB UPI

The Education Management of Office Program (DIKMANPER) at the Faculty of Economic and Business Education (FPEB), Indonesia University of Education (UPI) has two journals, MANAJERIAL Journal and the Journal of Education Management of Office (JPManper). Both are designed to facilitate the need for lecturers and students of DIKMANPER FPEB UPI to publish their academic papers in journals. The two journals were created to accommodate the writing of lecturers who had difficulty finding space to publish their works at the time, but now they are able to facilitate the publication of works by academics of DIKMANPER. This was stated by DIKMANPER FPEB UPI Kaprodi, Dr. Sambas Ali Muhidin, S.Pd., M.Si. during a Writing Workshop at the Auditorium of the FPEB Building on the 6th floor of the UPI campus in Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, on Thursday (2/9/2023).

He explained that both journals had different roles because of their different content, even though their goals were the same – to document the anthologies of the DIKMANPER academic community according to university policies. Journal Manajerial has general content, while JPManper is specifically related to education and learning. Therefore, they have different target audiences.

If a student writes a thesis on education or learning, it will be published in JPManper. If a student writes a thesis on a general topic outside of education, it will be published in the Manajerial Journal. The Manajerial Journal is the oldest, created in 2003 to accommodate the writing of lecturers. It is led by Prof. Dr. H. Suwatno, M.Si., and Drs. H. Daeng Sudirwo, M.Pd.

In 2020, the management of the Manajerial Journal was repositioned for a refresh, and it is now managed by Dr. Tutik Inayati, M.S.M. The accreditation is currently at Sinta 4, and it is in the process of increasing it to Sinta 3.

Meanwhile, JPManper was created according to university policy, which requires an anthology of student theses to be published in a journal. In its development, under the leadership of Pak Rasto, it became JPManper, managed by Dr. Rini Intansari Meilani, M.Pd.


JPManper’s ranking has increased from Sinta 4 to Sinta 3, and although relatively new compared to the Manajerial Journal, its performance is considered good.

Sambas Ali Muhidin further explained that both journals serve different purposes, despite having the same objective of documenting the academic community’s anthology in DIKMANPER in accordance with the university’s policies. He stated that the Journal Manajerial has general content, while JPManper is specifically related to the field of education and learning. Thus, their destinations are different.

In terms of student theses, if the thesis is related to education or learning, it will be published in JPManper, but if it is a general thesis outside the field of education, it will be published in the Journal Manajerial. According to Dr. Muhidin, the Journal Manajerial is the oldest journal, dating back to 2003, and was established to accommodate articles written by faculty members. It is currently managed by Dr. Tutik Inayati, with a temporary accreditation of Sinta 4, and is in the process of being upgraded to Sinta 3.

On the other hand, JPManper was created to comply with the university’s policy of creating an anthology of students’ thesis papers to be published in a journal. Under the leadership of Dr. Rini Intansari Meilani, it has shown remarkable achievements and has been promoted from Sinta 4 to Sinta 3.

Dr. Muhidin emphasized that the presence of both journals is aligned with the needs of students, faculty members, and the program itself. For instance, the journals’ existence is crucial in fulfilling the university’s accreditation requirements, which include having student academic papers published in a journal.

Overall, the establishment of both journals is in line with the faculty members’ commitment to upholding the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, which consists of education, research, and community service.

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