The Directorate General of Immigration issues Circular No. IMI-KU.01.03-0074 related to implementing the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 9/PMK.02/2022 which adjusts the Type and Tariff of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) for Immigration Services on Saturday (15/04/2022). In addition to confirming the entry into force of the new regulations, the circular clarifies the types of immigration visas and residence permits that are subject to tariff adjustments, which among other things affect the payment method.
“Previously, according to PP No. 28 of 2019, the rate for a One-Time Visit Visa consists of two currency components, namely IDR 200,000 and 50 US Dollars. After PMK Number 9 takes effect, the Visit Visa (VK) rate becomes Rupiah currency only or the term is single tariff. Thus, the applicant can pay the billing code anytime and anywhere, it doesn’t have to be at a bank teller like before,” said Sub-Coordinator of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Immigration, Achmad Nur Saleh.
In contrast to the provisions in PP 28/2019 which equalizes Visit Visa rates for all types of activities, in PMK No. 9/PMK.02/2022 it is determined that a Visit Visa in the context of a Maximum 60 Day Tour is subject to a tariff of Rp. 1,500,000. Meanwhile, a maximum visit visa of 60 days (for purposes other than tourism) is subject to a tariff of IDR 2,000,000. In addition, there is a new service in the Visit Visa line, namely a Maximum Visit Visa of 180 Days which is subject to a tariff of IDR 6,000,000.
“Please note that for foreigners who enter Indonesia using a 60-Day VK Tour, if they want to stay longer and apply for a 60-Day Visit Stay Permit, the fee will be IDR 2,000,000. This is because according to the new regulation, the 60-day ITK rate itself is IDR 2,000,000, different from the offshore tourist visit visa rate,” he explained.
The Multiple Travel Visit Visa has also been adjusted to a single tariff, which is Rp. 3,000,000 per person/year. However, referring to the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No. M.HH-03.GR.01.05 In 2021, currently VK Multiple Trips cannot be submitted.
Meanwhile, the Visa On Arrival (VOA) facility, which is currently becoming a favorite among foreign tourists, is still subject to a tariff of Rp. 500,000. In the Circular of the Acting Director General of Immigration No. IMI-KU.01.03-0074 stated that the policy was given to support the growth of the Indonesian tourism world, which had been hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic for the previous two years. |Source: Imigrasi|