Little Footsteps have Brought Katumbiri to Sun Land

Reported by Ahmad Dahidi (The Preceptor of Katumbiri, Faculty of Japanese Education FPBS UPI)

IF two hearts have been united, the turmoil of feelings will penetrate the screen of time and space. That is the reality which happens in this life, especially to me since I “fell in love” to art and culture of Indonesia and Japan. Various programs had been initiated since 1990s, including ”Laras Rumingkang”, an art amity to Osaka in around 1992  and the performance of Japan art team in UPI and ASTI Bandung in 1993. Besides, another art amity was performed by UKM Katumbiri FPBS in Okinawa, Japan in 2015 (complete documentation at: YouTube). Summit Budaya (culture summit) was also organized in UPI in 2014, and it was attended by 26 country delegates. Later, UKM Katumbiri FPBS UPI will perform another art amities in Osaka and surroundings in this 2017.

UKM Katumbiri FPBS UPI was established in order to (1) facilitate, guide, and follow any linguistic and artistic activities up for the academicians in general, and any performance offers either from domestic or overseas institutions; (2) adopt and support the academicians’ flair in art and culture, so it can be ‘guided’ to a positive heading; (3) implement the discussions of art and culture for acknowledging the traditional, national, and international art and culture values; and (4) investigate and esteem any idea of the culture summit participants in regards with world peace raising through art and culture, which had been written in Deklarasi Bandung (Bandung declaration) 2014.

Meanwhile, the designs of the activities cover (1) creative periodical performances of FPBS academicians, once in a semester and in collaborations with the faculties who teach Apresiasi Bahasa dan Seni (ABS) course, that is a course of appreciation to language and art; (2) domestic and overseas art amities. Alhamdulillaah as a first step, Katumbiri had flied to Okinawa in November 2015; (3) art and culture discussions which are collaborative with any relevant campus or off-campus institutions; and (4) active participation in academic activity including UPI’s Dies Natalis and Student Graduation, specially.

This year, precisely on March 26 to April 3, Katumbiri will perform some art amities in Sun Land (Japan), especially in Osaka and surroundings. Certainly, these art amities are not purposed only for promoting Indonesia’s traditional art and culture, but also supported by a number of expectations and willpower. Those cover (1) conforming the invitation from Japan for introducing Indonesian art and culture more closely to Japan society; (2) implementing international culture missions; (3) attracting Japan society interest thus Indonesia and Japan can have more collaboration in art and culture fields; (4) maintaining and developing the traditional national art; (5) developing the interest and talents of UKM Katumbiri student members in art and culture fields; and (6) contributing in UPI’s international achievements proudness. These expectations are relevant with UPI’s Strategic Plans, notably in “Performance Policy 5: Imagery Improvement, Partnership, and Internationalization” program, and “Performance Policy 6: Development of Student Quality Improvement”.

The planned material that will be presented in Osaka covers Angklung orchestra, Topeng dance, Jaipongan dance, Merak (peacock) dance, Rampai Aceh or Saman dance, Cianjuran, and New Creation dance. We seek for blessings from all UPI academicians in general, and FPBS people in particular, that Katumbiri art team may be successful in this performance task, and can return to the homeland safely.

Translated from: Berita UPI
Nadya Mufida Ulfa

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