Explanation from Mr. E Way Chong is very interesting, because it gives an idea of how UPI is in the QS Ranking. Based on his explanation, it turns out that we still have many shortcomings, but seeing this, we become aware of what needs to be improved. For example, we have to improve staff student ratio, employer reputation, academic reputation, and this requires the cooperation of the entire UPI academic community to improve the indicators needed in the QS Ranking, so as to improve UPI’s position at the Asian and World levels.
The statement was delivered by the Vice Chancellor for Research, Business and Cooperation of UPI Prof. Dr, Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd., MA, after attending a meeting with the QS Regional Director (Southeast Asia & Japan), Mr. E Way Chong, which was conducted online and offline in the Partere Meeting room, UPI Bumi Siliwangi Campus, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi Number 229 Bandung, Monday (1/8/2022).
According to him, “Currently UPI already has a World Class University or WCU team, whose task is to prepare and find strategies as well as build cooperation and synergy with all academic leaders starting from the Dean, Director of UPI Campuses in the region and the Head of Study Programs to mobilize all lecturers to support towards increasing UPI rankings.”
For certain things, he continued, we ask lecturers to be able to do partnerships with partners from inside and outside the country in the hope of getting recognition and giving a good reputation. The QS Ranking is very important for UPI to see UPI’s position among universities in Indonesia, especially in the PTN BH environment.
Meanwhile, on the same occasion, the Director of the Directorate of International Affairs of UPI Prof. Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, M.Ed., Ph.D., said that QS Regional Director (Southeast Asia & Japan) Mr. E Way Chong was on his visit to Indonesia and had the opportunity to stop by UPI.
Executed, “Mr. Chong visited to share his views on UPI in the QS World University Rankings. This QS Ranking is one of UPI’s targets which is included in the rector’s contract with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. In 2004 we were in the 800th position in QS Asia, while at the moment we are not in the 1200 position for the QS World University Rankings, we have just entered the QS Asia.”
We know that we are still weak and need to work hard, he said, but we also want to convey that the QS World University Rankings are not the responsibility of the Chancellor and the WCU Team, but the responsibility of all leaders even including lecturers and students, because all activities that can enter The ranking can be from student activities or lecturer activities, the point is that everyone is involved.
“Our goal is to invite Mr. Chong to UPI is to raise awareness that the QS World University Rankings are already in the RKAT. The QS indicators are already listed in the RKAT, this is also the same as the KPI as mandated by the Ministry. This is part of our responsibility, part of our performance. Next, we are learning to analyze its weaknesses, then how we can improve them. This has been explained per indicator to what extent our scores are and how to improve the staff student ratio, employer reputation, academic reputation, and all of them,” he said.
It is hoped, he said again, that our awareness will increase that the QS Ranking has become a shared commitment and we are pushing it together. More than that, we analyze and realize the weaknesses and shortcomings, then look for strategies to improve the QS, so that it is hoped that in 2024 UPI can enter the 1200 position. To get the best results, all QS indicators should be included in the RKAT. So, anyway all should be able to refer to the WCU indicator.